Monday, 6 April 2015


Today i was watching Jessie on Disney channel. Season Premiere and Episode 1 is called "But Africa is far" . In this episode, jessie was going back to "Africa"(you know because there are no countries in Africa) to meet her ex husband who she left at the alter and the kids and their butler decided to go to "Africa" to get jessie . When they got there , it was a bush with animal noises everywhere and they were talking about Rhino's and Lions and Mosquito's! This pissed me off so much because it is wrong stereotypes that the western media feeds to their citizens especially children who watch these programmes that make them so ignorant ! Africa has 54 different countries! And you can go to one of those countries at a time not Africa! Being an International student studying in the Uk , i and my other international friends mainly from countries in Africa have come across some of the most ignorant questions from citizens of these western countries like " Do you speak Nigerian?", "Do you live in huts?""Do you have a Lion as a pet?". For goodness sake! there are cities in countries in Africa . They may not be as developed as western countries but we are trying! we have roads , big buildings ! Our houses are big and beautiful! Our people are educated! and we do not have wild animals as pets !Please get your facts right and stop being Ignorant!

Bye have a nice day!


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